• Housing Survey
  • How to budget housing expenses abroad

    Smart Expatriation housing surveys are used to determine and anticipate the correct budget for housing abroad. Data is collected with partners specialising in seeking expatriate housing.

    You can select the city of your choice and access your report immediately (report available in PDF format).

    Consult the list of available cities before ordering.

Areas adapted to expatriates
Housing standards in line with international assignees requirements
Data updated by relocation experts
Budgets updated every six months to fit with the current market changes
Comprehensive housing market information
Clear explanations on lease conditions and summaries of market conditions

Housing surveys for employees on global mobility programs

Our housing surveys are updated every 6 months (March and September) and include:

  • Monthly rental budgets in the local currency for empty or furnished accommodation (where applicable), from 1 to 4 bedrooms
  • Two categories of housing are available (Medium and Premium)
  • The name of locations in which expatriates prefer to live
  • Key information on the rental market
  • The main terms and conditions of the rental and additional costs to be considered at the time of signature of the rental agreement
  • Details of our partner to request relocation assistance (assistance in seeking accommodation and assistance).

Consult our methodology to find out more.

Other reports available on Smart Expatriation

Also available on Smart Expatriation:

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